Flat Sheet Litho Guidelines
Please use the following guidelines to ensure Mac Papers Envelope Converters (MPEC) receives the correct envelope die cutting and manufacturing instructions:
MPEC will supply an envelope layout that includes die placement marks matching its envelope dies and jog direction.
Return the proof for match and approval to MPEC once you overlay your copy on the layout.
Color bars, along with die marks, should appear on the proof PDF or hard copy that you return to MPEC.
Seal and seam gummed areas will be designated on your layout as a clear zone. Leave these areas clear of ink for proper gum adhesion.
For bleeds, allow a minimum of 1/8” of copy to enable the print to wrap around the edge of the envelope, or completely envelop a window. This will effectively give your product the finished look that is intended.
Remember: it is not feasible to fold on an exact fixed point and maintain registration.
If you are going to be imprinting the order after envelope manufacture with tight registration to the preprinted material, please be aware that the registration could move causing alignment difficulties.
If there are two or more different copies on the same sheet, please clearly mark the pallet, shipping papers and purchase order, as some copies differ very slightly and are easy to overlook.
Please make sure your printed product is dry before packing and shipping.
Many orders are printed on both sides of the sheet. Please designate which side is the face copy when you package your order for shipment to MPEC.
Contact your MPEC customer service or sales representative for additional template and resources

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